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Posted March 8, 2018

Scared of the Dentist? Here are 5 Ways to Help You

Fear of the dentist, or dentophobia, is extremely common. It can range from mild to severe, and it may cause you to put off even much-needed dental work. Untreated dentophobia can have a major impact on not only your oral health, but your overall physical wellbeing. Fortunately, there are some specific measures that can help.

Specific Fears

Dentophobia is usually based on one or a few specific fears. Most people with a severe fear of the dentist suffer from several at once.

“The Dentist”: Those who fear “The Dentist,” often view dentists as cold and detached at best, or actively sadistic at worst. This is most common in people who have previous traumatic experiences in a dental office.

Pain: Until relatively recently, dentistry was painful, no matter how compassionate the dentist. Today’s technology means that most procedures are virtually pain-free, though perhaps a bit uncomfortable. If you have a particularly sensitive mouth, though, or a generalized fear of pain, you may be afraid that you cannot tolerate dental work.

Numbing: There is no doubt that having your mouth numbed is a strange sensation, and some people are afraid that they will lose the ability to swallow or even to breathe. This fear is most often seen in those who have previously experienced choking or had trouble breathing, either in or out of a dentist’s chair.

Environmental Factors: Those who have experienced previous trauma at a dentist’s office may be triggered by the sights, sounds, and smells associated with dental work. The sound of the drill is particularly triggering for many people.

Needles: The fear of needles, or trypanophobia, is relatively common. Those with this fear may have an extreme phobia of the injections that are used to numb the mouth.

Coping with Dentophobia

Thankfully, today’s dentists are very attentive to patients with dentophobia. Dentistry as a whole has become patient-centered and concerned with creating a calm and soothing atmosphere. Here are some specific ways we can help:

Music and Movies: We intentionally play soothing music to help our patients relax. We also encourage you to bring your own portable music or DVD player. Simply shifting your focus away from your procedure can help.

Digital Dentistry: Digital X-rays and other technology can help you manage your fears by reducing discomfort. Our ergonomically designed X-ray sensors with rounded edges and a smaller size help to minimize discomfort for even our smallest patients.

Light Touch: Our dentist, Dr. Sheng, is known for her competent but light touch. We have even had patients fall asleep during that most feared procedure, the root canal, thanks to Dr. Sheng’s steady, comforting hands.

Sedation Dentistry: From mild nitrous oxide to moderate oral sedation, this is an excellent choice for those with deeper fears. You will stay awake and responsive, but will achieve a state of relaxation that allows your dental anxiety to drift away. Please note that if you choose oral sedation, you will need to bring someone with you to drive you home.

Mental Health Services: Those with a severe dental phobia that is not alleviated with other measures might want to consult with a mental health professional. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and hypnosis can help you genuinely rid yourself of your fear, rather than simply managing it.

Samoset Family Dental is a leading provider of dentistry services in the Plymouth area. Led by Dr. Jiangyun Sheng, we provide general and cosmetic dentistry services to a wide range of patients. To learn more or to schedule a consultation, call us today at (508) 746-4456.

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