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Emergency Dentist in Plymouth MA

We know how painful a dental emergency can be, and we know that you want to get it fixed right away. We provide urgent care for dental emergencies from toothaches to lost fillings, crowns and more.

Give us a call (508) 746-4456 and we will help you right away. For after-hours assistance, our answering machine will give you further directions to reach Dr. Sheng or you can request an appointment online and we'll get back to you within hours.

a tooth in pain

Before you reach our office - here are some instructions for you to relieve your pain and plan your next moves:

Emergency #1: Traumatic Dental Injuries

Dislodged Teeth

If your tooth is partially out of the socket, come to the office immediately, your dentist may reposition and stabilize your tooth. If the pulp remains healthy, then no other treatment is necessary. However, if the pulp becomes damaged or infected, root canal therapy will be required.

Knocked Out Teeth

If an injury causes a tooth to be completely knocked out of your mouth, it is important that you seek treatment immediately! The sooner these teeth are treated, the more likely they can be saved.

It is important to keep the avulsed tooth moist. If possible, put it back into the socket. Otherwise, you can store the tooth in milk, saliva or a tooth-saving solution while you’re on your way to the office.

Emergency #2: Toothaches

Toothaches are the result of several reasons: decay, fractured tooth, gum infection, etc. It's best to schedule an appointment with a dentist right away. In the meantime, you can seek temporary relief.

If it’s a cavity - apply a drop of clove oil into the cavity may relieve your pain. Oil of cloves contains eugenol, which is antiseptic and anti-inflammatory and is commonly used to treat toothaches.

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medication such as Ibuprofen, Motrin, or Tylenol can also be used for dental pain. Use as instructed.

Avoid hot, cold or sweet foods - they can worsen your condition.

Root canal therapy, gum treatment and tooth extraction may be necessary based upon the stage of infection.

Emergency #3: Dislodged Crowns

It’s best to get the crown recemented as soon as possible, though generally a crown can be out for a short amount of time without causing major problems. Try not to leave it out more than a few days or it can make recementing very difficult. If a decay developed on the tooth surfaces, a new crown might be needed.

Temporary cement from CVS, denture cream, or toothpaste can be used to hold the crown back on before you get to our office.